This piece draws parallels between the intricacy of the humble bike to the dire need for systems thinking in communities. Powered by hydrological, wind, and solar energy, this bike represents the potential future of UBC, propelling itself towards a more sustainable, interconnected future.
This mural was completed over the course of 13 hours with help from family and friends. Bringing colour into a previously dismal place, the mural adorns the walls of the Fraser Parkade at UBC. UBC's article regarding the contest can be found here.
Winning entry for UBC Arts & Culture District ticket trike redesign contest. Design was implemented by myself in May 2017 with assistance from faculty. The submitted proposal included research behind materials and proposed budget. The article written about this can be found here.
This was a Directed Studies project coordinated by UBC Sustainability's SEEDS program in the scene shop of the Frederic Wood Theatre. I completed the exterior design for UBC Arts & Culture District's mobile ticket trike which travels the campus spreading news about the many performances, exhibitions and other happenings in the District.